In the case of systems equipped with a storage system, Prism varies its behaviour depending on how it is installed; two different scenarios are possible.
Prism with storage priority

In this case, the energy storage system will not detect Prism’s consumption.
- In Solar mode, the storage battery will be charged first; once this reaches 100 per cent and an excess production of the photovoltaic system is detected, Prism will start charging the vehicle.
- In Normalmode, Prism will not withdraw energy from the battery, but only from the grid and from any excess of solar energy when the storage’s battery is fully charged. The consumption of Prism will not be detected or counted by the storage system. The consumption of Prism will not be detected or counted by the storage system.
Prism with car charging priority

Prism is installed downstream of the storage sensor.
In this configuration, Prism will have the solar energy consumption priority over the energy storage system, which will start charging only when the car stops charging because the battery is charged, or due to limits set by the user.
- In Solar mode, the car’s battery will first be charged using excess solar production and, if this is not sufficient, drawing energy from the storage battery up to the current limit set by the user.
- In Normal mode, Prism will draw energy from storage, or from the grid, up to the current limit set by the user.