
Klimahouse 2022 Bolzano, Silla Industries is among exhibitors

Silla Industries is among Klimahouse exhibitors See you in Bolzano from May 18 to May 21 to talk about sustainability in construction industry and to introduce a big news!

Klimahouse- “To build well, to live well”

A house as a smart place to manage environmentally-friendly consumption is the vision of tomorrow’s living promoted by Klimahouse Exhibition 2022. The renewed event with an expert and informed audience and with more than 36.000 visitors from all over Italy will be held in May for the first time, precisely from the 18th to the 21st. Throughout the 4 days exhibition, more than 100 speakers and 150 related events will liven up the leading Exhibition for sustainability in construction.

Smart and aware- a preview of tomorrow’s living

Avvolgere la persona in un ambiente domestico moderno significa mettere a sua disposizione una dimora dalle elevate prestazioni energetiche, capace di rispondere adeguatamente alle esigenze abitative del futuro tra cui la necessità di ricaricare l’auto elettrica presso la propria abitazione. Klimahouse dona ampio spazio all’innovazione e alle giovani imprese che, come la nostra, stanno rivoluzionando il modo in cui produciamo e consumiamo energia. In questo frangente Silla Industries si inserisce alla perfezione, portando in Fiera tutta l’innovazione di uno dei nostri prodotti di punta: Prism Solar e la novità assoluta: l’Energy Hub 149, una soluzione poliedrica e multifunzionale che risponde a 360 gradi alle esigenze abitative del futuro.

Vieni a conoscere Prism Solar & Energy Hub 149

Prism Solar è la colonnina di ricarica smart che ricarica, gestisce e comunica. Ricarica l’auto in 3 diverse modalità tra cui la Solar, vale a dire utilizzando esclusivamente l’energia solare prodotta in eccesso dall’impianto fotovoltaico, gestisce i consumi energetici dell’impianto domestico impedendo al contatore di sovraccaricarsi e comunica con lo user tramite app dedicata.

By introducing Energy Hub 149 we win the challenge of the future: to offer users a versatile and complete device, so much so that it anticipates what will be the mechanical engineering trends of the coming years. Thanks to its technical and functional features, Energy Hub becomes the only centre for energy management and for communication of tomorrow’s homes. A true manager of electricity consumption that interacts with the meter, the photovoltaic system and the electric vehicle playing the function of car charger, hybrid inverter and router for the Internet connection of the whole house.

Two future proof products, thought and created following the principle that leads us and that we proudly present on this important occasion.

To requalify is worth it

An exhibition such as Klimahouse becomes even more important in the presence of incentives for building’s energy requalification such as Superbonus 110%, which allows towed interventions like the installation of charging stations alongside leading interventions. In this context it is important for both final customers and business customers such as real estate developers who want to create tomorrow’s buildings to meet manufacturers in person. Prism, in both its Basic and Solar version, proves to be a valid choice if installed in exclusive domestic contexts or in contexts accesible to more user, like a building car park.

As is well known, the energy efficiency of buildings is a variable that is becoming increasingly important in the landscape of sales and of new construction of residential units. It can strongly influence the final price and the owner’s quality of living, as much as that of the community.

We will be in Bolzano to delve deeper into the topic and to meet you in person, will you come to visit us?

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